setgenerate - Spacecoin RPC Docs

setgenerate generate ( genproclimit )

Set 'generate' true to turn either mining/generation or minting/staking on and false to turn both off.
Mining is limited to 'genproclimit' processors, -1 is unlimited, setgenerate true with 0 genproclimit turns on staking
See the getgenerate call for the current setting.

1. generate         (boolean, required) Set to true to turn on generation, off to turn off.
2. genproclimit     (numeric, optional) Set processor limit when generation is on. Can be -1 for unlimited, 0 to turn on staking.


Set the generation on with a limit of one processor
> spacecoin-cli setgenerate true 1

Turn minting/staking on
> spacecoin-cli setgenerate true 0

Check the setting
> spacecoin-cli getgenerate 

Turn off generation and minting
> spacecoin-cli setgenerate false

Using json rpc
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "setgenerate", "params": [true, 1] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

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Find this github repo at spacecoinSPACE/spacecoin-rpc-docs.

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